Tower of David Necklace



A classic cross necklace inlaid with a Jerusalem Nano Bible made in the Holy Land, now on your heart
The Jerusalem Nano Bible - the world's smallest full-text Bible - offers you the chance to keep God's word close to you at all times, providing constant inspiration, guidance, and comfort. By wearing this stylish one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry, you can symbolize your commitment to your faith. Get yours today.
This New Testament edition of the Nano Bible includes all 27 books written in Greek, otherwise known as the Textus Receptus (Greek: “received text”). The New Testament is the second major part of the Christian biblical canon, the first being the Old Testament, which is based on the Hebrew Bible. The New Testament discusses the teachings and the life of Jesus, and documents important events for Christianity in the in first-century.
List of the 27 books of the New Testament bible
Matthew (According to Matthew)
Mark (According to Mark)
Luke (According to Luke)
John (According to John)
Acts (Acts or Deeds of Apostles)
Romans (To the Romans)
1 Corinthians (First (letter) to the Corinthians)
2 Corinthians (Second (letter) to the Corinthians)
Galatians (To the Galatians)
Ephesians (To the Ephesians)
Philippians (To the Philippians)
Colossians (To the Colossians)
1 Thessalonians A(First (letter) to the Thessaloniansa)
2 Thessalonians B (Second (letter) to the Thessalonians)
1 Timothy (First (letter) to Timothya)
2 Timothy (Second (letter) to Timothy)
Titus (To Titus)
Philemon (To Philemon)
Hebrews (To the Hebrews)
James (Of James)
1 Peter (First (letter) of Peter)
2 Peter (Second (letter) of Pete)
1 John (First (letter) of John)
2 John (Second (letter) of John)
3 John (Third (letter) of John)
Jude (Jude)
Revelation (Revelation of John)
Das kleinste neue Testament der Welt
In Israel von der Jerusalem Nano Bible Company entwickelt, ist dies wohl das kleinste gedruckte Neue Testament der Welt
Ein religiöses Modestatement
Ersteres enthält alle 24 Bücher der hebräischen Bibel, die im hebräischen Original geschrieben sind. Letzteres enthält das gesamte Neue Testament in griechischer Sprache